See these other posts for more COVID-19 Employment Law information:
»» Temporary Layoffs: March 17
»» EI Sickness Benefits and Work Sharing: March 17
»» New Emergency Care Benefits and Supports: March 18
»» Amendment to Ontario Employment Standards: March 21
»» Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plan (SUB Plan): March 21
»» Mobilizing Canadian Industry to Fight COVID-19: March 23
»» List of Ontario essential workplaces: March 24
»» Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy March 30
As you are aware, the circumstances and government responses to the COVID-19 situation in Ontario have been evolving over the past week. The video below captures a presentation I made to employers on March 15, 2020 and provides an overview regarding applicable legislation, rights and obligations.
The content of the video can also be viewed and/or downloaded as a slide presentation in .pdf format. (opens in new window). The .pdf format does not include the questions and answers from the webinar. They can be heard in the video at approximately 35:00 into the presentation.
The video presentation also includes links to important sources of information which I have included at the bottom of this post.
I hope you find this information helpful, and remind and encourage you to observe the recommendations outlined by our public health authorities with the hope that you, your employees, families and loved ones stay safe and healthy.
- COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool.
- Contact your family doctor; Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 or local public health unit if experiencing symptoms of the 2019 novel coronavirus
- A downloadable poster for home use that provides a colourful graphic reminder of prevention practices is available at
- The Public Health City of Toronto pdf: Guidance for Workplaces/Businesses and Employers:
- Government of Ontario and Government of Canada web pages with the most up-to-date information on the COVID-19 outbreak.
- Health Canada:
- Health and Wellness Ontario: