Also, some further information on Stay-at-Home order restrictions.
April 19, 2021
AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine
Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health issued the following statement today:
“Starting Tuesday, April 20, 2021, Ontario will offer the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine to individuals aged 40 and over at pharmacy and primary care settings across the province.“
The full published statement can be found at »» this link on the government of Ontario website.
The list of pharmacies offering the vaccine is available at this page on the government of Ontario website:
All Health Canada information about the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine can be found through this page on the government of Canada website:
Revisions to Stay-at-Home Order restrictions
While there have not been any official announcements by the government, the Premier on Saturday said through his twitter account that the regulations announced on Friday prohibiting gathering at playgrounds will not take effect:
- “Our regulations will be amended to allow playgrounds, but gatherings outside will still be enforced. Play outside safely. Parents keep your distance & wear masks if you can’t,”
Police powers
Similarly, Solicitor-General Sylvia Jones issued a statement clarifying the regulations announced Friday permitting police to question citizens about their public movements. The statement reads:
- “If a police officer or other provincial offences officer has reason to suspect that you are participating in an organized public event or social gathering, they may require you to provide information to ensure you are complying with restrictions.”
If you are interested in further information about the measures announced by Premier Ford on Friday, a list of all restrictions and regulations including hours for retail operations can be found at this page on the Ontario government website: