September 6, 2022
Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Kieran Moore, has announced changes to the province’s public health guidance for COVID-19.
It was also announced that booster shots are now recommended and available for children aged 5 to 11.
As of last week an employee who has tested positive for the COVID virus is no longer required to isolate for five days (other than those in high-risk workplaces such as long-term care homes).
Dr. Moore stressed, though, that they should continue to self-monitor for symptoms and wear a mask for 10 days when in public.
As schools open and the weather beings to change, he recommended that the guidance apply to all respiratory illnesses, including the flu.
Symptoms of COVID-19 include a fever, cough or runny nose, which are also symptoms of other respiratory illnesses. Anyone exhibiting these symptoms is requested to stay home from school, work and social events until the fever is gone and symptoms are improving, along with getting a rapid antigen test or, if eligible, a PCR test.
The government also announced that vaccine boosters are now available for children aged 5 to 11.
Eligible children can receive their first booster dose at a recommended interval of at least six months following their most recent dose. Parents with questions are encouraged to reach out to their health care provider, the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre or the SickKids COVID-19 Vaccine Consult Service to make an informed choice for their family.
Click »» here to read the full statement with information on where vaccines are available.
In the statement Dr. Moore “strongly encourages” all Ontarians to take advantage of vaccine and booster doses that are recommended and available to them and to “protect one another by respecting public health guidance, including staying home and taking precautions if you are sick.”
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