Category Archives: COVID-19

Constructive Dismissal due to IDEL layoff

May 12, 2021

Employees can claim constructive dismissal due to IDEL layoff

When the government of Ontario amended some elements of the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us engaged in employment and labour law were interested to see how certain aspects would be interpreted by our courts.

The first amendment, on March 19, 2020, included an infectious disease emergency leave (IDEL) that granted a statutory leave to employees who were exposed to COVID-19 and needed to quarantine. The IDEL was retroactive to January 25, 2020 and on May 29, 2020, the government extended the application of the IDEL and had it apply to all employees who had been laid off due to COVID-19.

Many questioned what effect, if any, this and pandemic related temporary layoffs would have on common law constructive dismissal claims and on April 21, 2021, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice addressed the issue in its decision on Coutinho v. Ocular Health Centre Ltd. (Coutinho v. Ocular).

I would stress at this point that the decision addresses only the  aspects of constructive dismissal brought up in this particular claim and while it establishes preliminary legal guidelines, other cases coming before the courts will more fully establish a common law framework going forward. I will keep you informed as these decisions unfold.

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice found that where an employer places an employee on a temporary leave under the IDEL regulation, the leave could nonetheless constitute at common law the termination of employment referred to as a “constructive dismissal”, and does not restrict the employee’s right to pursue a common law action for constructive dismissal against his or her employer.

On March 19, 2020, the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) was amended to include the IDEL, retroactive to January 25, 2020.  Amongst other things, the IDEL granted a statutory leave to employees who were exposed to COVID-19 and needed to quarantine.

On May 29, 2020, the Ontario government extended the application of the IDEL and had it apply to all employees who had been laid off due to COVID-19. (For the purpose of the ESA, the May 2020 amendment remains in place and deemed leaves are set to expire on July 3, 2021.)

Employees laid off due to COVID-19 were deemed to be on IDEL and, therefore, the automatic termination of employment provisions under the ESA that would have applied at the end of the layoff were suspended. 

It is clear that the May 29, 2020 amendments relieve an employer against the layoff provisions under the ESA, however the question as to common law rights was not specifically addressed. 

A layoff at common law generally constitutes the termination of employment/constructive dismissal and the question before the Court in Coutinho v. Ocular was whether the amendments creating the IDEL limit an employee’s common law right to treat a layoff as a constructive dismissal.

Outline of the case
On May 29, 2020, Ms. Coutinho was temporarily laid off from her position as an office manager at Ocular Health Centre Ltd (Ocular). On June 1, 2020, she commenced an action against her employer for constructive dismissal, seeking her common law and statutory entitlements. 

Ocular submitted a motion for summary judgment, taking the position that the reduction or elimination of Ms. Coutinho’s hours did not constitute a constructive dismissal pursuant to the IDEL and that she did not have a cause of action.

The Court dismissed the employer’s motion for summary judgment and found that where an employer places an employee on a temporary leave under the IDEL regulation, the leave could nonetheless constitute a constructive dismissal at common law, and does not restrict the employee’s right to pursue a common law action for constructive dismissal against his or her employer.

The court held, in essence, that the amendments to the ESA deal with rights under the ESA and that if the Ontario government also wanted to impact common law rights, it would have done so expressly. Since it did not, Ms. Coutinho’s common law rights were preserved.

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In closing on the issue of constructive dismissal and the inapplicability of the IDEL regulation at common law, the Court reiterated that, absent an agreement to the contrary, an employer has no right to lay off an employee at common law.

Immediate and future implications
While this case does establish that an employee can make a claim of constructive dismissal, the interpretation appears to focus narrowly on the issue of whether the IDEL regulation itself prevented a claim at common law. Based on the written reasons it does not appear that arguments were considered for adapting the common law test for constructive dismissal in light of the novel circumstances of the pandemic.

As other cases come before the courts, perhaps in part because of this judgment, I expect many defences to be raised that will establish the precedents for succeeding cases.

In my view, one of the most notable aspects of this case is that no defence was submitted by the employer under the doctrine of ‘frustration’.

Under the doctrine of frustration a court may fully excuse both parties from their obligations under an employment contract where performance of that contract becomes legally or physically impossible. The contract is said to be “frustrated” without fault of either party. 

Many employers were required by the government itself to shut down because of emergency and public health orders. Their employment contracts therefore became impossible to perform because of those orders and because of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

It remains to be seen whether the courts will deem this to be frustration, and I anticipate that this defence will be put forward by one or more employers.

Another defence could be an establishment of condonation. 

In Coutinho v. Ocular, the employee commenced the legal action mere days after receiving the notice of layoff. However, in cases where an employee is notified of a reduction or elimination of hours by the employer and allows an unreasonable amount of time to pass before objecting, or asserting their common law rights, the employee is considered to have condoned the action – to have waived the alleged wrongdoing that is in question.

It is unclear at this moment whether an employer, in the context of the pandemic, could use the defence that an unreasonable amount of time has passed when an employee was laid off many months ago, perhaps even longer than a year in some cases.

A similar defence holds that a condonation is implied where an employer has established a practice of laying off and recalling employees who do not object or assert their common law rights. 

Employers in various industries, including restaurants and retail, have been forced – either by government order or business circumstances –  to layoff and recall employees as the situation has evolved over the past 14 months. These employers may have established a practice even over the course of the pandemic.

There may be other defences put forward by employers as more cases are brought before the courts. 

Many have described the times of the pandemic as being ‘unprecedented’ and that is certainly true in the case of employment and labour law. I will keep you informed as new decisions and interpretations are issued.

Please contact me with any questions you may have on this decision or for assistance working through any staffing matters.

Ontario Sick Leave Legislation

May 6, 2021

Details of Ontario sick leave legislation

The government of Ontario has released further details about Bill 284, which received Royal Assent on April 29, 2021 and amends Section 50.1 of the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”).

I have summarized the information below. Further details can be found on this page of the Ontario government website: 

Paid leave requirements
Employers are now required to provide eligible employees paid infectious disease emergency leave, up to $200 of pay for up to three days, if employees are missing work under certain conditions. 

Reimbursement will be available to eligible employers for up to $200 per employee per day taken. 

Applications for reimbursement will be made to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). The specifics of the application process have not been released yet, I will keep you up to date as they become available.

Conditions for employee eligibility
Employees are eligible for paid infectious disease emergency leave under these conditions:

  • employee having been advised to self-isolate due to COVID-19 by an employer, medical practitioner or other specified authority
  • employee providing care or support to certain relatives for COVID-19 related reasons, such as when they are:
    • sick with COVID-19 or have symptoms of COVID-19
    • self-isolating due to COVID-19
 on the advice of a medical practitioner or other specified authority
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NOTE: Conditions related to testing and vaccination:
Employees are eligible for paid infectious disease emergency leave to allow

  • time for the employee to receive COVID-10 testing and results
  • time for receiving COVID-19 vaccinations and/or experiencing a side effect from a COVID-19 vaccination.

Employers cannot require an employee to produce a medical note as evidence.

Employee eligibility
Eligible employees include:

  • those covered by the ESA (independent contractors or federally regulated employees are excluded); and
  • employees who do not already receive paid sick time through their employer.

If an employee is entitled to take paid leave under an employment contract for any of the circumstances covered by the COVID-19 paid leave, the employee’s entitlement to three paid days under the ESA is reduced by the employee’s entitlement under the employment contract.

If an employee is entitled to both paid and unpaid leave due to COVID-19, the employee can elect to take one or more days or parts of a day of leave as unpaid leave
NOTE: The employee must advise the employer of this in writing before the end of the pay period in which the leave occurs.

These paid leave days are not required to be taken consecutively and if an employee takes any part of a day as paid leave, the employer may deem the employee to have taken one paid day of leave on that day.

An employee must be paid the amount they are entitled to under the COVID-19 paid leave no later than the pay day for the relevant pay period in which the employee elected to take the leave.

This program is retroactive to April 19, 2021, and effective until September 25, 2021. If, between April 19, 2021 and April 29, 2021, an employee has taken unpaid leave and would be entitled to the three paid days of COVID-19 leave, the employee may elect to be paid for that leave  
NOTE: The employee must advise the employer in writing of their election before May 13, 2021.

Please note that the right to take time off work under the ESA is not the same as the right to the payment of employment insurance benefits or federal government supports such as the  Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB). An employee may be entitled to a leave under the ESA whether or not they have applied for or qualified for federal benefits or supports.

I hope you find this information helpful and that you, your fellow workers and employees, families and loved ones stay safe and healthy in the coming weeks.Please contact me with any questions you may have or for assistance working through your staffing matters.

COVID-19 Vaccination Appointments Opening

April 27, 2021

VACCINE UPDATE, ONTARIO: COVID-19 vaccination appointments opening for individuals 45 and over in designated hot spots

In the interests of expediency I am attaching this announcement from the government of Ontario here without summary or comment. 

Please distribute this information to anyone you know that this news may apply to.

The link to the original News Release is:

I hope you find this information helpful and that you, your fellow workers and employees, families and loved ones stay safe and healthy in the coming weeks.Please contact me with any questions you may have or for assistance working through your staffing matters.


Ontario Expands COVID-19 Vaccination Booking to Individuals 45 and Over in Hot Spot Communities

Licensed Child Care Workers Across Ontario Eligible to Book Vaccine Appointments This Week

April 27, 2021


TORONTO — The Ontario government is expanding booking for COVID-19 vaccination appointments to individuals 45 and over in designated hot spot communities in 13 public health units, as identified by postal code, through its provincial booking system. Child care workers in licensed child care settings across the province will also be eligible to book their COVID-19 vaccination appointments.

As of 8:00 a.m. today, all individuals who are 45 and over in 2021, living in one of the 114 high-risk neighbourhoods, will be eligible to book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment at a mass immunization clinic through the provincial online booking system and call centre or directly through public health units that use their own booking system.

“This is a step forward in Phase Two of our vaccine distribution plan to ensure we are protecting people and communities most at risk,” said Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “By using every available channel to deliver vaccines, we are working to vaccinate Ontarians as quickly as possible and stop the spread in our communities. I encourage everyone who is eligible to book their appointment as soon as they can.”

Despite facing consistent challenges in receiving a stable and reliable supply of COVID-19 vaccines, Ontario has continued to ramp up capacity and expand its rollout to additional groups.

Keeping childcare open is critical to the mental health and well-being of children and in supporting working parents in Ontario. Effective Thursday, April 29, 2021, child care workers in licensed child care settings will be eligible to book an appointment through the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line number at 1-833-943-3900 or directly through public health units that use their own booking system. Eligible workers in licensed child care settings will receive a letter from their employer. This letter must be available at the point of booking and taken to the vaccination appointment. In the coming weeks, eligibility will be expanded to child care workers in unlicensed child care settings across the province.

“Ontario’s child care workers are making a difference and supporting working parents at this critical time,” said Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education. “That’s why child care workers provincewide will be eligible to book a vaccine appointment. Our child care centres are safe and the expansion of vaccines will further protect children and staff.”

Ontarians who are now eligible to book their vaccine appointment are asked to be patient, as it could take time for them to receive an appointment. Vaccine administration rates are based on supply of vaccines from the federal government, local context and may differ as vaccine supply is delivered across the province. For more information on local vaccine rollout, individuals are encouraged to visit their public health unit’s website.

“Expanding age bands within hot spot communities is part of our targeted approach to help limit the spread of COVID-19 in neighbourhoods and communities that have been disproportionately impacted by this deadly virus,” said Solicitor General Sylvia Jones. “I am encouraging everyone to please get vaccinated when it is your turn as this is the best way to protect your health and the health of those around you.”

Quick Facts

  • As of April 26, 2021, at 8:00 p.m., almost 4.8 million vaccine doses have been administered across the province, with over 90 per cent of Ontario residents aged 80 and over having received at least one dose and 36.6 per cent of the population aged 18 and over having received at least one dose. More than 88 per cent of residents aged 75 to 79 have now received their first shot. Over 326,000 Ontarians are fully immunized.
  • Only COVID-19 vaccines that Health Canada determines to be safe and effective are approved for use in Ontario. All COVID-19 vaccines available in Ontario have been shown to prevent serious illness, hospitalization and death.
  • Ontario has received 5,248,345 doses of vaccines since December 2020. In April, the province received 1,584,180 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, 706,300 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine and 764,800 doses of the Moderna vaccine. The province is expecting 4,089,150 doses of Pfizer in May and is waiting for confirmation of shipments for Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.
  • Individuals aged 18 and over are eligible for vaccination through mobile teams and pop-up clinics in targeted hot spots. Find out if you live in a hot spot community by visiting Ontario’s website for a list of designated postal codes. Mobile and pop-up clinics in hot spots for those 18 and older will be promoted locally within their target communities and local public health units.
  • Hot spot communities are located in these 13 public health unit regions: Durham Region Health Department; Halton Region Public Health; City of Hamilton Public Health Services; Niagara Region Public Health; Ottawa Public Health; Peel Public Health; Simcoe-Muskoka District Health Unit; Region of Waterloo Public Health and Emergency Services; Wellington-Dufferin Guelph Public Health; Windsor-Essex County Health Unit; York Region Public Health; Toronto Public Health; and Southwestern Public Health.
  • To further support hot spot communities, the Ontario government is dedicating 25 per cent of vaccine allocations to hot spot communities across the 13 public health unit regions, targeting mobile teams, pop-up clinics, mass immunization clinics, hospitals and pharmacies.
  • Eligible groups can use Ontario’s vaccine booking system to find out how to schedule an appointment, or can call the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line number at 1-833-943-3900. For general inquiries, individuals can call the Provincial Vaccine Information Line number at 1-888-999-6488. The Provincial Vaccine Booking Line and Information Line are open Monday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and is capable of providing assistance in more than 300 languages.
  • Adults aged 40 and over in 2021 are eligible for vaccination at participating pharmacies. Visit to find a participating pharmacy and contact the pharmacy to see if you need an appointment or if walk-in (first come, first served) vaccinations are available.
  • Employers, who are located within an identified hot-spot community and meet the eligibility criteria, can inquire about hosting an onsite clinic by contacting
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Toronto and Peel Region orders impacting workplaces with COVID-19 infections.

April 26, 2021

A brief note on paid sick leave: You are probably aware that the government of Ontario has issued various statements about a review of paid sick leave regulations and that an announcement will be made shortly. I will keep you up to date with any information I receive and what impact it may have on you and your business.

In the meantime, if you have a workplace in the Peel or Toronto Public Health Regions, you should be aware of the new orders that have been released by the public health officers in those regions

Public health offices are mandated to “superintend, provide or ensure…health protection and disease and injury prevention” under the Health Protection and Promotion Act and last week the Peel and Toronto offices issued notification that physical workplaces reporting five or more COVID-19 cases within a period of 14 calendar days may be ordered to close their physical workplaces for at least 10 days.

NOTE: You may have seen news reports that highlight the application of these orders to workplaces with five or more cases of COVID-19, but it is important to be aware that there are also obligations for workplaces reporting fewer than five cases of COVID-19.

The Toronto order is slightly broader than the Peel Region order because it includes both “confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19,” while the Peel Region order refers only to “laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases”. There is no definition of “Probable” in the Toronto order. 

Neither of these orders applies to workers operating remotely, as the purpose and intent is to prevent in-person transmission at physical workplaces. This is consistent with the provincial Stay-at-Home Order that requires Ontario employers to ensure that all employees work remotely unless the nature of their work requires them to be on-site in the workplace. 

These Toronto and Peel Region orders went into effect on Friday, April 23 and apply to most physical workplaces in the regions, with a limited number of exceptions, noted below.

Peel Region 

The Regional Municipality of Peel includes Mississauga, Brampton, and the Town of Caledon. The order issued on April 20 imposes a number of duties on “owners or occupiers of a workplace premises or persons responsible for a business or organization.”

The rules under the order went into effect on Friday, April 23, at 12:01 a.m and state that physical workplaces may be ordered to temporarily close by Peel Public Health for at least 10 days where: 

  • the workplace premises has had five or more laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19;
  • the cases have occurred within the previous 14-calendar-day period, 
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And where:

  • the cases could reasonably have acquired their infection in the workplaces premises; or 
  • where no obvious source of infection has been identified outside of the workplace premises. 

Where these conditions are met, Peel Public Health has authority to issue a notice directing the workplace to close all or parts of the physical workplace premises and also reserves the right to require that workplaces take additional interventions as are necessary in the circumstances.

Where a workplace receives such notice, the owners or occupiers of the workplace premises, or persons responsible for the organization, must communicate certain instructions to all workers impacted by the closure. These instructions are specifically set out in the order: 

  • COVID-19-positive workers must self-isolate per the region’s February 24 order (view »» here)
  • Non-symptomatic workers in a workplace ordered to close must self-isolate for 10 calendar days, or for as long as the workplace is ordered to close
  • Workers of a closed workplace cannot work at another workplace during isolation
  • Symptomatic workers should be tested as soon as possible from symptoms
  • Workers who test positive for COVID-19 should notify their employers immediately
  • Non-symptomatic workers should be encouraged to be tested regardless

Instructions must be posted at the entrance of the premises and be visible to the public. 

Where a physical workplace is ordered to close, the order does allow “access” to the workplace under limited circumstances, notably for accessing goods or supplies or dealing with “critical matters” that cannot be attended to remotely. 

Certain workplaces are specifically exempt from the order: 

  • Schools/childcare
  • Pharmacies
  • Healthcare facilities, including vaccination clinics
  • Shelters
  • First responder emergency services such as fire, paramedics, police and their communication services
  • Critical infrastructure such as water/wastewater treatment facilities, utilities, telecommunications and IT, transportation, and energy
  • Government services
  • Services required to maintain the health of animals
  • Other workplace premises exempted from closure by Peel Public Health

Obligations for workplaces with fewer than five cases
Physical workplaces that report two or more cases of COVID-19 within a 14 calendar-day period must take the following measures: 

  • Prepare a list of close contacts of these persons and provide the list to Peel Public Health, when requested;
  • Maintain a log of all persons who attend on the workplace premises and make this log available if requested by Peel Public Health for contact tracing purposes;
  • Notify the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development and Workplace Safety and Insurance Board or other relevant governmental authorities;
  • Provide contact details of the most senior decision-maker at the workplace premises;
  • Be readily available for contact by Peel Public Health to implement any additional measures immediately as required by Peel Public Health; and,
  • Cooperate with infection prevention and control personnel from Peel Public Health.

The full Order can be viewed or downloaded from this link on the the Peel Region website:

Toronto Public Health Region 

Similar to the Peel Region, the City of Toronto Health Unit issued a workplace order under the Health Protection and Promotion Act that went into effect Friday, April 23, at 12:01 a.m. 

With limited exceptions, the order applies to all persons who own, operate, or occupy a workplace in Toronto, as well as workers in those workplaces. As in Peel Region, “workplace” means a physical location, not work done remotely.

The Toronto Public Health has the authority to require workplaces to close for at least 10 calendar days where: 

  • the workplace has five or more confirmed or probable cases of COVID-19; and
  • the cases have occurred within a 14-calendar-day period.

Where these conditions are met Toronto Public Health may, in its judgment, issue a notice requiring all or parts of the workplace to close for at least 10 days. Toronto Public Health decides when a closure is needed. 

Owners, operators, or occupiers must post signage, in a form provided by Toronto Public Health, at all entrances where the workplace is ordered to fully close, indicating the workplace is closed.

Nothing in the order precludes workplaces from operating remotely and the following workplaces may be exempt:

  • first responder emergency services such as fire, paramedics, police and their communication services
  • shelters
  • critical infrastructure such as water/wastewater treatment facilities, utilities, telecommunications and IT, transportation, and energy
  • public-facing or other critical government services
  • services required to maintain the health of animals
  • other workplaces as determined by Toronto Public Health for reasons of health, safety or otherwise where in the public interest

Obligations for workplaces with fewer than five cases
Owners, operators, or occupiers must notify Toronto Public Health via the online COVID-19 Workplace Reporting Tool as soon as they become aware of: 

  • two or more individuals who test positive for COVID-19 within a 14-calendar-day period; and
  • five or more individuals who test positive for COVID-19 within a 14-calendar-day period.

The full Order can be viewed or downloaded from this link on the the City of Toronto website:

Federal Budget Analysis

April 20, 2021

Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland tabled her first federal budget yesterday, the first to address the long term consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the steepest and fastest economic contraction since the Great Depression.

As I have in the past, I am attaching here a link to the analysis of the budget from one of my clients, Sussex Strategy Group. Their President, Paul Pellegrini, has kindly allowed me to share it with you.

Sussex is an experienced and highly respected government relations firm that offers strategic and consulting services in municipal, provincial and federal affairs. I find their reports and analyses informative and insightful, and I hope you will also.

Budget 2021: A Liberal Recovery Plan for Jobs, Growth, and Resilience

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland today released the federal government’s 2021 Budget in the House of Commons.

Titled “A Recovery Plan for Jobs, Growth, and Resilience”, the plan aims to support Canadian families and businesses during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, lay out a strategy for a post-pandemic economic recovery, and act as a blueprint for a Liberal campaign platform ahead of a potential 2021 federal election.

The government signaled in the 2020 Fall Economic Statement that it would spend significantly to achieve these goals. Budget 2021 aligns with that plan, announcing up to $100 billion over three years in new spending to support Canada’s economic recovery. All this new spending will lead to a projected 2020-21 deficit of $354 billion.

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Individuals 40+ in Ontario can now receive AstraZeneca vaccine.

Also, some further information on Stay-at-Home order restrictions.

April 19, 2021

AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine

Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health issued the following statement today:

Starting Tuesday, April 20, 2021, Ontario will offer the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine to individuals aged 40 and over at pharmacy and primary care settings across the province.

The full published statement can be found at »» this link on the government of Ontario website.

The list of pharmacies offering the vaccine is available at this page on the government of Ontario website:

All Health Canada information about the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine can be found through this page on the government of Canada website:

Revisions to Stay-at-Home Order restrictions


While there have not been any official announcements by the government, the Premier on Saturday said through his twitter account that the regulations announced on Friday prohibiting gathering at playgrounds will not take effect:

  • Our regulations will be amended to allow playgrounds, but gatherings outside will still be enforced. Play outside safely. Parents keep your distance & wear masks if you can’t,
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Police powers

Similarly, Solicitor-General Sylvia Jones issued a statement clarifying the regulations announced Friday permitting police to question citizens about their public movements. The statement reads:

  • “If a police officer or other provincial offences officer has reason to suspect that you are participating in an organized public event or social gathering, they may require you to provide information to ensure you are complying with restrictions.”

If you are interested in further information about the measures announced by Premier Ford on Friday, a list of all restrictions and regulations including hours for retail operations can be found at this page on the Ontario government website:

Ontario schools will move to remote learning after spring break

April 12, 2021

I thought you might find this information about school attendance relevant as you plan staffing schedules in the coming weeks and in light of the new stay at home order and other restrictions.

The government today announced that:

All publicly funded and private elementary and secondary schools in the province are to move to teacher-led remote learning when students return from the April break on April 19, 2021. Private schools operating in-person this week are to transition to remote learning by April 15, 2021.

The full text of the announcement below can be found at »» this link on the government of Ontario website.

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Ontario Enacts Stay At Home Order, Provincial Emergency

April 7, 2021

As anticipated, the Premier of Ontario today declared a third provincial emergency and announced a stay at home order which will begin April 8 at 12:01am.

I have noted some of the restrictions and regulations here.

The full text of the announcement can be found at »» this link on the government of Ontario website.


  • Non essential retailers will be allowed to operate only for pick up and delivery by appointment.
  • Malls will have limited access restricted to specified purposes, including curbside pick-up and delivery, via appointment, with only one designated location inside the shopping mall and any number of designated locations outside the shopping mall.
  • Discount and big box stores will be open for in-person sales but restricted to grocery items, pet care supplies, household cleaning supplies, pharmaceutical items, health care items, and personal care items only.
  • Outdoor garden centres and plant nurseries, and indoor greenhouses that engage in sales to the public, will be permitted with a 25 per cent capacity limit.
  • Specified types of retailers and services will be open, with some restrictions, for in-person service. These include:
    • safety supply stores 
    • businesses that primarily sell, rent or repair assistive devices, aids or supplies 
    • rental and leasing services
    • optical stores
    • businesses that sell motor vehicles, boats and other watercraft
    • vehicle and equipment repair and essential maintenance and vehicle and equipment rental services, and
    • retail stores operated by a telecommunications provider or service
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Schools and child care will remain open for in-person care and learning in public health regions where it is permitted, with strict safety measures in place.

Workplace Inspections
The announcement notes that “Health and Safety inspectors and provincial offenses officers will increase inspections and enforcement at essential businesses in regional hot zones to continue protecting essential workers while on the job”.

Solicitor General Sylvia Jones emphasized the government’s advice that any employee who can work at home should be working at home.

The announcement also provides updated information about vaccinations and rapid testing.

Ontario COVID ’emergency brake’ to be implemented April 3

April 1, 2021

The Premier of Ontario today announced that the government is implementing a province wide ’emergency brake’ to address the recent surge in case numbers and COVID-19 hospitalizations. 

This is different from the full shutdown that was put in place December 26, 2020 and similar in many aspects to the grey lockdown protocols that some public health regions are operating under today.

The emergency brake will be effective Saturday, April 3, 2021, at 12:01 a.m. and the government intends to keep this in place for at least four weeks. 

The announcement also states that employers in all industries should make every effort to allow employees to work from home.

I have summarized some of the restrictions of the emergency brake for you below, followed by the full text of the announcement.

Measures in the emergency brake include, but are not limited to:

  • Prohibiting indoor organized public events and social gatherings
  • Limiting the capacity for outdoor organized public events or social gatherings to a 5-person maximum, except for gatherings with members of the same household (the people you live with) or gatherings of members of one household and one other person from another household who lives alone.
  • Restricting in-person shopping in all retail settings:
    • 50 per cent capacity limit for supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, indoor farmers’ markets, other stores that primarily sell food and pharmacies, and
    • 25 per cent capacity for all other retail including big box stores, along with other public health and workplace safety measures;
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  • Prohibiting personal care services;
  • Prohibiting indoor and outdoor dining. Restaurants, bars and other food or drink establishments will be permitted to operate by take-out, drive-through, and delivery only;
  • Prohibiting the use of facilities for indoor or outdoor sports and recreational fitness (e.g., gyms) with very limited exceptions;
  • Requiring day camps to close; and,
  • Limiting capacity at weddings, funerals, and religious services, rites or ceremonies to 15 per cent occupancy per room indoors, and to the number of individuals that can maintain two metres of physical distance outdoors. This does not include social gatherings associated with these services such as receptions, which are not permitted indoors and are limited to five people outdoors.

Ontarians are asked to limit trips outside the home to necessities such as food, medication, medical appointments, supporting vulnerable community members, or exercising outdoors with members of their household.

The full text of the News release can be found at »» this link on the government of Ontario website.

Toronto, Peel, North Bay-Parry Sound moving to Grey level, Toronto implements Class Order

March 5, 2021

The provincial government has announced that the three public health regions still under Stay-at-Home orders – Toronto, Peel, North Bay-Parry Sound – will be moving to the revised Grey-Lockdown level beginning Monday, March 8, 2021 at 12:01 a.m.

Seven other regions will also be moving to new levels.

Additionally, the Toronto Medical Officer of Health has implemented a Section 22 Class Order that details explicit instructions for employers in the region.

I have provided top line summaries for you followed by the full text of both News Releases.

Revised Grey Zone Level

While the the Grey Level – lockdown does loosen some restrictions, a number remain in place: 

  • Indoor and outdoor dining service at restaurants remains prohibited
  • Sports and indoor recreational fitness facilities remain closed, with limited exceptions
  • Team sports, including shinny, remain prohibited at outdoor recreational amenities
  • Meeting and event spaces remain closed
  • Personal care services like hair and nail salons remain closed
  • Indoor cinemas and performing arts facilities remain closed to the public and may be utilized only in limited circumstances
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Other regions changing levels

These seven public health regions will be moving to the zones/levels indicated:


  • Peterborough Public Health;
  • Public Health Sudbury and Districts; and
  • Simcoe-Muskoka District Health Unit.


  • Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit; and
  • Timiskaming Health Unit.


  • Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit; and
  • Renfrew County and District Health Unit.

Toronto Section 22 Class Order

Employers should be aware of the requirements in the city’s Class Order which are complementary to – but distinct from – the provincial Grey Level regulations.

Under the Section 22 Class Order, all persons who own or operate a workplace will be required to comply with additional public health measures, including the following, during the period in which the workplace is in an active outbreak of COVID-19:

  1. Ensure the use of masks by every worker in the workplace at all times for the duration of the outbreak. The only exceptions are if a worker is eating or drinking or other limited exemptions.
  2. Follow Toronto Public Health instructions pertaining to COVID-19 testing for workers.
  3. For a workplace common area (i.e. washrooms, lunch rooms, change rooms):
    • ensure that 2 meters distance between workers can be maintained;
    • limit capacity to 25% of maximum occupancy; and
    • post signage indicating the maximum number of people permitted in each common area.
  4. Provide contact information for a designated contact person at the workplace to manage communications and implement any additional measures as required by Toronto Public Health.
  5. Maintain a record of every worker that attends the workplace during the outbreak.
  6. Comply with instructions from infection prevention and control personnel from Toronto Public Health, including allowing entry into the workplace for inspection and to support enhanced infection prevention and control measures.
  7. Post Toronto Public Health signage about physical distancing, hand washing and mask wearing.

Failure to comply with the Class Order may result in enforcement action, including a fine of $5,000 for an individual or $25,000 for a corporation for every day or part of each day for which non-compliance occurs or a ticket in the amount of $750.

The full text of the News Release can be found at »» this link on the government of Ontario website.